Searching for Harmony (Boston Love #1) Read Online Kelly Elliott

Categories Genre: Chick Lit, Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Boston Love Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 87
Estimated words: 82198 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 411(@200wpm)___ 329(@250wpm)___ 274(@300wpm)

The sting of his words was painful. “Yes, I know we owe them a lot. You remind me all the time, Trey.”

Letting out a sigh, Trey pushed his hand through his hair. “Don’t you ever get tired of fighting, Harmony? That’s all we do.”

Nodding, I chewed on my bottom lip. The only reason Trey and I got married was because I was pregnant. We both came into this marriage thinking we could make each other happy enough, but I knew that wasn’t the case. I could see it in Trey’s eyes. He was far from happy.

“Harmony, there’s something I’ve been needing to talk to you about.”

My cellphone began ringing as I glanced down at it. “It’s the hospital. I better answer it.”

“Can you, for once, just not be at their every beck and call, Harmony?”

“What? Trey, this is my job. If I ever want to get my nursing degree, I need to work. If that means picking up a few extra shifts here and there, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

Letting out a gruff laugh, he whispered, “Of course you are.”

Glancing down at my phone, I sent the call to voicemail. “I won’t go in, but you need to do the same with your business meeting tonight.”

Throwing his head back, Trey laughed. “Jesus. Harmony, are you serious? What in the fuck do you think pays for everything? My job does. I can’t tell my father I’m not coming just because you don’t want me to.”

Feeling the tears building in my eyes, I turned and looked back out my window as Trey drove down Boylston Street. “I miss you, Trey. Spending an evening together was something I thought you would enjoy. It’s been over a month since you’ve even kissed me.”

Feeling his hand on my leg, I held back my sob as he gave it a gentle squeeze. It was gone. That feeling I used to get when he touched me was gone. Who was I kidding? It was gone before I even found out I was pregnant.

“Harmony, I need to tell you something…Oh my God. Shit!”

Quickly turning to look at him, I saw the truck. The sound of tires squealing across the hot Boston pavement caused me to let out a scream. Trey slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The truck was going to hit us. Hard. Turning to look at TJ, my stomach clenched when I saw he was awake. Smiling at me, he reached out his hand as he said, “Mommy.”

“Trey,” I whispered as I closed my eyes and waited. Waited for a miracle.

Opening my eyes, I instantly felt the pain as I tried to move. “Trey?” I screamed out. “Trey, where are you?” Holding my hands up, I let out a gasp. They were covered in blood.

Oh my God. Is this my blood? Trey? The truck hit on Trey’s side. No, dear God, what’s happening?

Quickly looking around, I realized I was on my back. Pain shot from my head down to my toes.

A friendly smile was looking down at me. “Ma’am. I need you to lie perfectly still and try to stay calm, okay? I’m a firefighter and you’ve just been in a car accident.”

Her eyes were the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. Not even my eyes were that blue.

“Is my husband okay? The truck hit on his side. Is he okay?” My world felt as if it had been torn in two and I wasn’t even sure why. Giving me a smile, she replied, “They are attending to him, ma’am. I need you to lie still.”

“My baby?” I asked as I felt my tears fall down the sides of my face and pool in my ears. My heart felt empty.

“Preston is taking care of him, keep looking at me, ma’am.”

Preston? Who is Preston?

Turning my head, I saw TJ lying on the ground. Screaming out his name, I reached my hand out to him. “No! Oh my God. TJ! My baby! What’s wrong with my baby?”

The firefighter who was giving TJ mouth-to-mouth looked right at me as he pressed TJ’s chest with his hands. Our eyes caught and I saw nothing but fear in his green eyes. Looking away, he continued on with trying to get TJ breathing.

“Don’t do this to me. Please, God, don’t do this!” I yelled out.

My baby needs me. He needs me! Attempting to get up, I yelled out Trey’s name as I looked for him. Where was he? Why isn’t he with TJ? Turning back to the firefighter, I watched as they lifted TJ onto a stretcher.

“No! Wait, please let me go with him. Please let me hold my baby! Please!” I screamed out as the firefighter turned and looked at me. His eyes were so sad as they captured mine. If I hadn’t known any better, I would have thought I saw a tear rolling down his cheek. TJ and the firefighter slowly faded away as a cloud of darkness swept me down a dark tunnel.


